India Sabka (India belongs to All)

Y B Chavan centre and premises of city colleges

Curated by Madhusree Dutta (for Majlis) and Tushar Joag (for Open Circle)

India Sabka, in partnership with Open Circle art collective, was a Youth Festival engaging 100 colleges in Mumbai and Pune. Devasted by the large scale anti-Muslim carnage that was orchestrated in February-March 2002 in Gujarat, Open Circle and Majlis joined hands to launch a campaign for secularism and multi-culturalism among the college students. The campaign was conceived in the model of a youth festival with competitions in fiction writing, journalism and news making, filmmaking, theatre production, bill board design and urban planning around the theme of India Sabka. The month long competition phase culminated into a two days festival of celebrating multiculturalism.

Campaign Material - Lest We Forget Brochure
Curator's Report