Non-fiction Feature Films

Fried Fish, Chicken Soup and a Premiere Show, 90 mins, 2011

Set in Manipur, a battle-fatigued region on the India-Burma border, the film journeys across a century to paint a portrait of a cinema and its citizens in a particular land. The film centers around shooting, production and release of the 2010 Manipuri movie - 21 st Century's Kunti.

Director: Mamta Murthy

7 Islands and a Metro, 100 mins, 2006

On the cities and bodies that make the Bom Bahia / Bombay / Mumbai. Shot mainly during the monsoon season, the film foregrounds certain melancholic features of the city that are interchangeably beautiful and violent. Structured around an imaginary dialogue between writers Ismat Chugtai and Sadat Hasan Manto, the film unfolds in 7 chapters – Check Naka, Construction Site, Pillion Rider, Chronology, Reclamation, Left Luggage, Faith.

Director: Madhusree Dutta

From Here to Here,, 60 mins, 2005

About moving people, citizenship and about belonging simultaneously here and there. The film is part of an ongoing interaction involving two filmmakers from India and Germany. Both filmmakers embark on a journey starting from their own locations, in search of scenes of overlapping identities in the context of the two nations.

Director: Madhusree Dutta and Philip Scheffner

Made in India, 40 mins, 2002

On contemporary visual cultures in India. Commissioned by Manchester City Art Galleries for the curatorial Concept of the exhibition New Indian Art : Home, Street, Shrine, Bazaar, Museum by Gulammohammad Sheikh.

Director: Madhusree Dutta

Colours Black, 37 mins, 2001

On childhood, quiet as it is kept. The film is an attempt to break the silences around child sexual abuse within the family and acquaintances. Children’s colours, rhymes, toys, games, fantasies and bedtime stories are the ingredients to the narratives of fragmented articulation of abuse.

Director: Mamta Murthy

Scribbles on Akka, 90 mins, 2000

A celebration of rebellion, feminity and legacy down nine hundred years. The film is based on the legends about the life of Mahadevi Akka, the 12 th century bhakti-poet, and the vachanas that are known to be composed by her. In this film her ‘devotional’ poems, written with the female body as a metaphor and desire as a vocabulary, have been composed in contemporary musical language and picturised on the terrain of the 20 th century feminist discourse.

Director: Madhusree Dutta

Skin Deep, 100 mins, 85 mins, 1998

On beauty myth and femineity. It is an exploration of body images and self perceptions among contemporary urban, middle class women in India. In Skin Deep interviews of several women are fictionalised into six first-person narratives and performed within the format of docu-fiction.

Director: Reena Mohan

Sundari: An Actor Prepares, 30 mins, 1998

Sundari: An Actor Prepares is based on a play directed by Anuradha Kapur. Jayshankar was a popular female impersonator of Gujrati stage in the early 20 th century Bombay. The film documents the making of the play that was rendering a new narrative on body-politics, performance and the iconic feminity in Indian theatre and visual art.

Director: Madhusree Dutta

Memories of Fear, 57 mins, 1995

Four tales of girls’ coming of age - through the trajectories of aspiration, curiosity, flamboyance and desire - are juxtaposed with testimonies of adult women on familial violence. The fictional tales and the documentary testimonies overlap, complement each other and then create a line of legacy of FEAR.

Director: Madhusree Dutta

I Live in Behrampada, 45 mins, 1993

On a Muslim ghetto in the context of the Bombay riots in 1992-93. The communal riots that reduced Bombay into two distinct communities in December '92 and January '93 also created an underclass of citizens. During this time, Behrampada, a slum colony in the city's western suburb with its predominantly (80%) Muslim population, was cast as the villain by the majoritarian media and the communal forces. Is the dividing line language, culture and religion or class?

Director: Madhusree Dutta